Monday, February 16, 2009

Books on my mind

So at the moment I'm looking for a fulltime job and since I can't spend all my time job hunting (or I'd go crazy), I'm also looking for some good reads. I want to read something enjoyable, it can be poignant, just not depressing and it has to end well. Currently I'm reading John Adams by David McCullough, which I'm thoroughly enjoying but I want a few more books in my queue. Does anyone out there have any suggestions? (Oh and any leads on jobs will be accepted as well :)).


jennifer said...

I'm just starting Jeremy the Owl. It's supposed to be really good and I've heard stellar reviews by anyone I know that's read it, and that means 7 reviews.

Amber said...

I looked this book up and can't find it anywhere. Who wrote it and what's it about?

Ford said...

I'm not sure if it fits your criteria, but I'm reading The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: a Woman in World History. It's a fascinating biography about this woman who was born in Jamaica, grew up in England and whose travels took her all over the world. I'm also almost done with the biography of Asa Gray that I've been reading for two years :-)