Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring has Sprung!!!

Today was a wonderful day! The temperature topped 60, the sun was shining, flowering were blooming (crocuses, snowdrops and violets to be exact). It hasn't snowed in over a week and I'm officially calling it spring forget the equinox, to me it's here and I'm never looking back. So I've decided to plant sweet peas and hollyhocks this week. Doesn't that sound divine? Sweet peas rank up there with my favorite flowers (in case anyone was wondering). I just can't get over their heady fragrance. As my friend Janae would say, Fabulous! Oh I also mowed the lawn today, if that doesn't herald spring I don't know what does.
This is spring two years ago when the muscari was blooming!

So I think we need an ode to spring:

Spring Again by Karla Kuskin

Spring again
Spring again
Spring again
Isn't it?
Buds on the branches
A breeze in the blue
And me without mittens
My sweater unbuttoned
A spring full of things
All before me to do.

Yes that is nice, tomorrow maybe I will write one myself. something about crocuses, grass and sun and thawing.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

It's always such a delight when green grass starts to poke through the snow. I hope to see spring up here soon, but darn, I'm too far north to get it this early.